6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025
6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025


Festival Friends

We are well connected. Not only does Audioskript create professional audio scripts for the festival, but is also always available to help answer specific questions. Without the Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg, we would not be able to clarify on specific film rights or create a network for film contacts. Barner 16 not only provides space for the festival to use, but is also a source of advice regarding all matters. The Metropolis Kino is the only true wheelchair friendly cinema in Hamburg. We are always happy to be there! Also, to all the other friends that haven’t been mentioned here, we would like to give you many thanks for all of your help and support.

International Friends

We look forward to all contact and exchange with other film festivals who have a likeminded interest and intention to focus on creating barrier-free film programs. We are curious about the similarities we share and the differences we may have!

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