6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025
6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025



KLAPPE AUF! is unique, as it focuses on the concept that our festival’s film selection and moderation used, be chosen and presented by a variety of people with and without disability. The organisation and structure of the programs is also designed on a similar basis. The festival takes place every two years, held in the city of Hamburg, Germany. The highly esteemed director, Fatih Akin, is the festival’s main patron.

It is our aim to create the greatest level of accessibility to our festival. This means that all of the films presented will be done so with Captions for the hearing impaired, as well as Audio Description made available for the visually impaired. The Audio Description is directly recorded by voice-over-artists and can be heard with headphones. The festival will also be attended by Sign Language Interpreters and Captioners (STTRs). All venues will be barrier-free and wheelchair friendly.

Our Poster 2025

created by Rebelzer

Leichte Sprache

Easy Language

Many people need easy language so that one can understand things clearly. With short text, we explain everything with easy language for our festival.


Concept & Team

CINEMA for ALL! Short films and quality cinema should be made accessible to as many people as possible. Our goal at KLAPPE AUF! is to make cultural events obtainable and tangible for everyone.

Barrier-Free Cinema

It is our aim to create the greatest level of accessibility at our festival. All of the films presented will be done so with Audio Description and German Captions for the hearing impaired …


Finally film festivals are taking place again, in movie theatres with an audience…


Films & Photos

Under “Films & Photos” you can find everything pertaining to our last festival edition.

Further Projects

Our festival runs only every other year, but in between we don’t get boredom.

Our project Butterfahrt, continues to improve itself with new films which we acquire the rights to. The Klappomat is our fine arts experiment. Piece by piece, we create a kind of walk-in sculpture that helps to bring people closer to barrier-free cinema and provide them with an understanding of our themes and intentions in a playful participatory way. Along with this, we try to sharpen our senses and train ourselves with small workshops being held.

BUTTERFAHRT Short Film Screenings

This short film offer is a compilation of 30 selected short films. From these, you can put together a screening selection of your choice.



The inclusive team of KLAPPE AUF! is planning a mobile walk-in sculpture – the KLAPPOMAT. This art work can be set up at any of our future events, as well as be made available to other interested parties.


KLAPPE AUF! Kurzfilmfestival Hamburg
Altes Finanzamt /1. Stock | Große Bergstraße 264-266 | 22767 Hamburg
Festival Director: Andreas Grützner

Please take note of our privacy policy and contact us via the contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.

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