6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025
6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025


Barrier-Free Cinema

It is our aim to create the greatest level of accessibility at our festival. All of the films presented will be done so with Audio Description and German Captions for the hearing impaired. Sign Language Interpreters and Captioners (STTRs), as well as a live Audio Description, will be made available for discussion between the films, as well as for our opening and awards ceremony. The jury will also be accompanied by Sign Language Interpreters. The cinema and the festival club are ensured to be barrier-free. Headphones will be available for Audio Description. The visually impaired friendly audio film versions of the festival program, are created by the company Audioskript. The process transforms a film into a film created by sound and acoustic descriptions. Visual elements such as location, performance, facial expression and gesture, as well as camera work, are all put into words by professional audio-film description orators. The descriptions of imagery are provided for our visually impaired viewers during the dialogue breaks of the film. As part of the festival, the audio recordings will be recorded live.

Audio Description

Through Audio Description, the film is turned into a movie. Location, performance, facial expression and gesture, as well as camera work, are all put into words by professional audio-film description orators. The descriptions of imagery are provided for our visually impaired viewers during the dialogue breaks of the film. As part of our festival, the Audio Description is recorded live by audio description professionals. Rental headphones will be made available.

Captions for Hearing Impaired

Captions for the hearing impaired not only reproduce the linguistic content of a movie, such as dialogue, but also provide all important ambient sounds. For example, when music is playing, a commentary that reflects the style of the song is given, e.g. “Quiet music”.

Sign language interpreters

Sign language interpreters translate spoken language into visually perceptible speech. This form of communication is done through gesture, facial expression, posture and rendered soundless words. Each country has its own sign language, dialects are also sometimes incorporated. When different nationalities want to communicate through sign language, they use “International Signs”/”International Characters”. In this form of sign language there are not so many words, rather it makes use of many non-spoken features.


During lectures and discussions, a Captioner (STTR), writes the spoken words at a high speed. These are displayed on a screen so that the hearing impaired may follow the events through reading.

graphic presentation, conference room with people, technical features induction loop

Induction Loop

An inductive sound system, also an Induction Loop System, or an Induction Loop, is a technical device in which all audio signals can be made accessible in event rooms for the hearing impaired. The sound signals are converted into electrical signals and sent out via an Induction Loop within the room. With hearing aids, these sound signals can be received interference free.

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