6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025
6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025


Our Jury Members 2025

There will be two jury prizes (1500€, 750€) and one audience prize (1000€). In addition to that there will be a team prize (750€), awarded by the inclusive festival team.

Portrait: Frau mit dunklen Haaren im Dutt zusammen gefasst, dunkler Rollkragenpulli

Birgit Glombitza

Birgit Glombitza works as a freelance author, dramaturge and lecturer in Germany and Switzerland. From 2010 to 2018, she was the artistic director of the Hamburg International Short Film Festival. In December 2024, she qualified as an audio film descrite at the Hörfilmakademie.




Portrait: Frau mit hellgrauen Haaren und dunkle Bluse

Hela Michalski

Hela Michalski, born in 1955, is married and has two sons. She was a housewife for many years. She has been working as an audio film author since 1999 and is the audio film representative of the Hamburg Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (BSVH). She is also a volunteer in the specialist group ‘Culture’ and deals with barriers for blind people in museums. She is also involved in the focus group for the redesign of exhibitions.


Portrait: Frau mmit Brille und weißem Pulli

Sinem Sakaoglu

Sinem Sakaoglu is a director and writer specialising in stop-motion. She has made award-winning short and feature films as well as commercials, and works on scripts for feature films and series projects.


Portrait: Mann mit kurzen grauen Haare, Hemd und Krawatte

Jens Seemann

Jens Seemann is 58 years old and went deaf at the age of 16 due to meningitis. He has acted in two theatres for the deaf and enjoys writing short and long stories for film. He has a degree in electrical engineering and a part-time job as a photographer. He has also had a number of actors and drama students in front of the camera.


Portrait: Mann mit dunklen kurzen Haaren

Ivar Wafaei

Ivar Wafaei, 25 years young, gained his first theatre experience in Hamburg. He is currently studying at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin. He has acted in several TV and cinema productions, including the feature film ‘Rheingold’ by Fatih Akin and the series ‘Informant – Angst über der Stadt’.


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