6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025
6th KLAPPE AUF! Short Film Festival April 4-5, 2025


Our Jury Members 2019

The five-member jury awards three prizes.

Sebastian Beyer

Since 2008 Sebastian Beyer is a volunteer with the team of the Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg (Lesbian Gay Film Days Hamburg), Germany’s oldest and largest queer film festival. He is involved in creating the program and is responsible for the festival screenings at schools. This fits very well with his job as a sex education teacher.

Hervé Dieu

Hervé Dieu is a cinematographer for documentaries and corporate videos, and also works as a photographer. After studying film at the École Nationale Louis Lumière in Paris he moved to Hamburg and stayed. As a cinematographer he worked on several film projects of director Fatih Akin, including the music documentary CROSSING THE BRIDGE.

Mischa Gohlke

Mischa Gohlke is a musician, activist, speaker, cultural manager, author, lecturer, and a project leader of “Grenzen sind relativ e.V.“ (“Borders are relative”). Despite near complete hearing loss he chose to pursue a career as a professional musician and made the seemingly impossible possible. As an activist he engages in the peace movement.

Nadja Ullrich

Nadja Ullrich was head of the two Germany-wide inclusive film festivals of Aktion Mensch and was also part of creating the “future congress” Inklusion2025. She is now a consultant for Aktion Mensch on the topics innovation and digital inclusion.

Stefanie Schruhl

Stefanie Stefanie Schruhl trained to be a psychologist in Leipzig and after her move to Hamburg first worked for an information center for the school authority. In 2011 she decided to start a new career and became an audio film writer for several TV stations and independent film productions. She is also following her creative impulses as a singer in a rock band and a writer. Stefanie Schruhl is visually impaired.

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