Opening Ceremony Metropolis cinema

Opening Ceremony Metropolis cinema  (with personal invitation and festival pass)

public transport connection:

S-Bahn: S11/S21/S31 Dammtor or S1/S2/S3 Jungfernstieg
U-Bahn: U1 Stephansplatz (no Disability Access) U2 Gänsemarkt
Metrobus: Linie 4 / Linie 5 Gänsemarkt

KLAPPOMAT – Installation

On all three days of the festival, our experiment box, the KLAPPOMAT, can be tested. It has not become a box, but a black tent. Certainly the smallest cinema in the world.

Interactive, playful and deliberately unprofessional!

Alone or double team, it goes into the Wunderbox. On royal chairs and equipped with headphones and microphone… its your turn! Make your own audio description – live and recorded.

There is a HIGHSCORE – a list of the best. Who will probably do the best description? We will announce that during the award ceremony.


Jesse Bronske, an unsuccessful bar owner, is afraid that his mean twin brother Aaron, from whom he escaped a long time ago, has found him again and is about to take over his life step by step …


The film is told from the perspective of people with disabilities who make use of sex accompaniment. The focus is on Hannah and Norbert and their right to freely express their sexuality.

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