KLAPPOMAT – Installation

On all three days of the festival, our experiment box, the KLAPPOMAT, can be tested. It has not become a box, but a black tent. Certainly the smallest cinema in the world.

Interactive, playful and deliberately unprofessional!

Alone or double team, it goes into the Wunderbox. On royal chairs and equipped with headphones and microphone… its your turn! Make your own audio description – live and recorded.

There is a HIGHSCORE – a list of the best. Who will probably do the best description? We will announce that during the award ceremony.

Festival Party at FABRIQUE – Gängeviertel

Festival party at Schrødingers with awarding of the team prize!

Schrødingers, Schröderstiftstraße 7, 20146 Hamburg

Disability Access

Public Transport Connection:
Subway: U2 from Gänsemarkt to Schlump (approx. 700 m)
Bus: 3 or 5 from Gänsemarkt to Grindelhof (approx. 600 m)

If you need accompaniment or assistance, please contact the info counter.We are happy to finally party with you again. This year our party will take place at Schrødingers. Although our regular award ceremony will take place on Sunday at 6pm at Metropolis Kino, but this year we will award our team prize worth 1000€ during the Party. Thrilling!

Viel Pollen um nichts

An innocent alien is seduced by an insidious plant into travelling to another planet. Once on Earth, the alien experiences an eventful trip through pop culture in which joy and sorrow lie side by side.


Was that all or is there more to come? Two friends venture on a trip to the Baltic Sea at the height of summer. The dreariness around them mixes with their own lack of prospects and their friendship is put to the test.


Shot entirely from an apartment on the 36th floor, the images survey large parts of Hong Kong’s cityscape, drawing attention to the lives hidden inside its buildings – together alone and collectively sequestered during a global pandemic.

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