Tango Siesta

Summertime. The Mediterranean. Siesta. Father and son are asleep in the bedroom, while the dining room with sea view is bustling with life. The mother and two daughters are cleaning up after lunch, when suddenly a tennis ball falls onto the balcony …

Night Shift

The night shift feels like forever, but luckily Thomas can listen to his own music. Sometimes he’s bored and sometimes he thinks about Christine.


During water therapy for his chronic spasms, Leon is involved in an incident that gradually disrupts all aspects of his life.

Blouse Fax

Mrs. and Mr. Funke fix everything. An 8-year-old schoolgirl wants to have the washing slip lasered out of her blouse so that she can send it into the universe.

Desired Child

Grace is a young mum with Down’s syndrome. She lives with her eighteen-month-old daughter Milla in a centre for assisted parenthood. But her desire to take sole responsibility for her daughter leads her to make a risky decision.

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