Thai Basil

At the annual family dinner, the dining table becomes the setting for an examination of family trauma, alienation and the life crises of a family in the 1990s.

My Deer

When a young passer-by sees a set of stag antlers on a living room wall, he believes himself to be that deer. In search of his origin, he is led by the householder, an avid hunter, to a rocky landscape behind her house. Everything turns out to be a ghost train in which they all live.

Separation Waltz (Trennungswalzer)

Sometimes you need to change things in life. That’s what Paul thinks when he decides to part with his faithful but somewhat outdated companion and replaces her with a new one. But has he really made the right decision? When‘s the right moment to break up?

One Fat Summer

Three women long for the lightheartedness of summer. Since they were young, this season has been equated with shame. The struggle with their mirror image begins every year as soon as the temperature rises. They wonder: What would summer be like if body shapes didn’t matter?

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