
How would you be ten minutes before you were sent into space? Astronaut Markus is calm, but the arrival of Sigmund, the cleaning boy, makes him start to see everything differently.

One Night Elsewhere

In a rural region of southern China: a village completely isolated from the modern cities that seem infinitely distant. To be forgotten is probably an appropriate description of the situation. A surrealistic incident at night about a piece of meat, a monk and a villager.


Whale hunters take small boats into the harsh, northern sea, making their way through thick ice to feed themselves. Chukotka is the extreme point of the Earth, they live here according to their own laws: they kill in order to live and
survive to kill.


In this animation different visual elements were used to represent different musical instruments. Like the circle in the center represents the main beat, the right up and down represents the snare sound. There are two parts in this film, 2D and 3D world.


In the dull wasteland of a suburb some teenagers desire to grow strength and get recognition transforms into violence against the weak. Tenderness becomes a taboo.

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