Hey my friend

A music video dealing with the impact of Covid-19. All the images were taken during the peak of the lockdown in Austria and document the beauty of the abandoned places in Vienna. The video footage combined with the song is meant to give hope and joy, but also to make people aware that there are many other terrible things in our world.


Alone with himself, P. indulges in his wishes, fantasies and true self. Undisturbed he seems comfortable with himself and enjoys every moment. But the curious neighbours force their way into his comfort zone and confront him with a sudden sense of shame.


On the periphery of the city, in a traditional Moroccan house, Aicha lives a monotonous life. During the day the young woman takes care of the household and nurses her old and bed-ridden mother. In the evenings Aicha leaves her house and waits to cross the path of a random truck driver.


About the conflict between mother love and rejection. About the familiarity and strangeness between parents and children. A mother tells about the life with her son, who lives with trisomy 21. Daily scenes of mother and son drift into the emotional world of the mother.

Flea Plague

In a museum secret agent Dave waits for an anonymous person to give him some coded information. But the man with the moustache, who answers in a rather awkward code actually turns out to be someone else. When Dave discovers that top secret information has been passed on, he has only one chance to undo his mistake and restore national security.

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