Queen for a Day

Film student Inna realizes on her way to her final exam, that she has a creative block. She has no film to present to her professors Wim Wenders and Pepe Danquart. She thinks about her life and her studies and develops a plan to pass the exam somehow.


In our BE-IN international Corner, we show films from our European partner festivals.

The exciting thing is that we will not hear the audio description in German but in the local language of the different festivals. All films are without dialogues. BE-IN!

Bussi Baba

When a bond of a father and his daughter is the only thing helping them through the worst years of their life.

Silent Zone

Alice, uncommunicative and electro-hypersensitive, lives in seclusion in a dead zone deep in the Northern German forest. Her hermitage is disturbed by the sex worker Lucia, who settles on the border of Alice’s safe space with her lovemobile.

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